(410) 268-1599

Engage to Consult, Involve, Collaborate and Empower

Government Outreach

When successful public participation is needed for either notification outreach or sourcing feedback for critical decision-making, you need ambassadors who are more than just warm bodies. Here are just a few reasons why government outreach programs fail:
  • Processes Lack Clear Goals
  • Critical Group Ignored or Exluded
  • Stakeholder Distrust
  • Confusing Messages
  • Assessment Metrics Not Impactful

A successful public outreach campaign resonates with your target audience and leads to a long-lasting behavior change.

ITA partners with top government agencies at both the federal and state levels on critical initiatives at every stage of development. The company has covered everything from civic engagement, fulfilling Title VI, pedestrian safety, public transportation initiatives, and more. These campaigns have reached reached tens of thousands of citizens, including traditionally underserved communities, non-English-speaking audiences, low-income populations, and people with disabilities 

Together with their clients, ITA works to identify the level of participation needed from the public, key locations, time blocks, positioning, staff members and language requirements that will ensure the public is reached in the most effective and efficient manner.

Case Study: WMATA Platform Improvement Outreach

Since 2010, ITA has successfully executed public outreach campaigns as subcontractor on behalf of:

See How ITA Is Executing No-Contact, Socially Distant Campaigns


Talk To ITA About Your Next Outreach Project




“Josh and Amy Sweat, and their company, Idle Time Advertising, have been wonderful partners. They are exceptionally reliable and provide high-quality, consistent work for us. I highly recommend their services to my clients’ time and time again.”

K. Robinson
Crosby Marketing

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